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New society puts long-term care on a path of revitalization and renewal

June 2017 — Providence Health Care’s (PHC) visionary plan to become provincial leaders and innovators in seniors care surpassed a major milestone, with the PHC Society and Board formally approving the establishment of the Providence Residential and Community Care (PRCC) Services Society – a new and separate society to be comprised of PHC’s residential homes and elder care services.

The decision, made at the June 14th PHC Annual General Meeting, came after a 10-month-long due-diligence process to determine whether a new society can effectively operate, thrive and achieve our exciting seniors care vision through redevelopment and renewal of our care homes.

PRCC has its own Society and Board members, who steer the continuing planning and engagement work to achieve PRCC’s goals.

Those goals include amalgamating into PRCC other seniors and residential care partners and homes, including The Views at St. Joseph’s and Providence Health Care’s seniors/elder care homes and services.

These homes and elder care services and staff will be transferred to PRCC in the future, after more engagement and comprehensive transition planning is done with staff, unions, residents, families and health partners.

The Ministry of Health has identified seniors care as one of its key strategic priorities and challenged BC health authorities and organizations to meet the challenge creatively and effectively.

Over the past year and a half, Providence’s elder care program and residential redevelopment planning team have made great strides in developing exciting, innovative and resident- and family-centered solutions for such future seniors’ communities of care.

Many staff, residents and families have contributed their ideas toward the planning and great momentum has been built toward developing “Dementia Villages” and communities of care for seniors.

Providence’s founding congregations of sisters always made the elderly and seniors a key focus of the compassionate and socially just care they provided. And throughout the organization’s history, Providence has responded to new challenges and the ever-changing needs of our communities with boldness, foresight and courage.

When formed in 2000, Providence Health Care was the latest iteration of that courage, bringing together separate Catholic Missions into its current society. PRCC is another forward-looking stage in that development, putting seniors’ care on a path of revitalization and renewal.