Dr. Amy Salmon
Conconi Family Foundation Distinguished Scholar in Seniors Care
Vancouver, BC – Nov 12 2024
British Columbia’s senior population is projected to steadily increase, comprising almost 25 per cent of the province’s residents by 2041. We must ensure the fabric of our seniors’ care system is resilient as it stretches to meet this increased demand. We must continually seek to improve the quality of life for older adults, with a robust network of integrated community care options that support their wellbeing at home and in their communities. We must also find meaningful solutions to the crisis in long-term care by listening to residents and staff to understand how we can make this chapter of older adults’ lives a joyful part of their story. To do this, we need a dedicated research team evaluating current systems and sparking real-world change.
Making necessary, lasting changes to seniors’ care will take a team of experts with a passion for patient-, resident-, and family-centred care. A team who is driven by asking the questions that matter to find the answers needed to create systems capable of providing world-class care for seniors. At the Centre for Advancing Health Outcomes (Advancing Health), we are proud to provide just that. Leaders in gerontology, nursing, health economics, big data analytics, digital health, architecture, and population and public health have come together to focus on changing the way we care for older adults. The Advancing Health Seniors’ Care Research Group is led by Dr. Amy Salmon, known across the province for her leadership in participatory, community-engaged research and developmental evaluation.
Research program to improve seniors’ care
Today, thanks to dedicated funding from the Conconi Family Foundation and community partners, British Columbia has a first-of-its-kind research program dedicated to making positive changes in how we care for our seniors. Dr. Salmon has been named the inaugural Conconi Family Foundation Distinguished Scholar in Seniors Care.
The Scholar exists because research for research’s sake is not enough. We have a responsibility to create and share evidence in ways that knowledge users can put into action in their own environments and practices. Common hurdles for using research evidence include effective planning, support, resources, and training. These can all be overcome by the Scholar being embedded in health systems, to support adoption of new evidence and innovation across the province, beginning with Northern Vancouver Island, home of Providence Living at The Views.
Along with a team of dedicated researchers, the Scholar is driven by asking the questions that matter to find the answers needed to create systems that provide better seniors’ care now, and for generations to come.
What will the work of the Scholar look like in the real world?
As part of the Providence Research family, Dr. Salmon and the Seniors Care Research Group are embedded within existing long-term care sites including The Views, with the Home for Us team, and at the future St. Paul’s Centre for Healthy Aging. The potential impacts for this Scholar position within long-term care, acute care, and integrated community care are far reaching.
Dr. Salmon will be conducting developmental and principles-focused evaluation within the seniors’ care system. This evaluative approach is focused on action and on finding and breaking down the barriers to change, from working with staff and hearing their day-to-day concerns to rethinking every aspect of the brick-and-mortar buildings where we deliver care.
Impacting long-term care coast-to-coast
The Views is an innovative, new long-term care home in Comox, BC, inspired by the dementia village concept. As the first care facility of its kind in North America, the innovative approach can, and should, be shared far and wide to inspire positive change to long-term care. The Scholar will play a key role in knowledge transfer from coast to coast. They will blend the patchwork of care that can exist across communities by sharing what has worked in one care setting with another that could benefit, and providing the tools to subsequently implement these initiatives.
Funds raised will support dedicated leadership by Dr. Salmon and the work of a full team in seniors’ care research from January 2024 to January 2034. Over that decade, the Scholar will create a self-sustaining infrastructure that will ensure this work outlasts us all.
By investing in the Scholar position now, donors can support positive change, while also leaving a legacy of an experienced, well-staffed Seniors Research program to tackle the issues of the future. With the support of the Conconi Family Foundation, Providence Living, Island Health, Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation, Nanaimo General Hospital Foundation, and Eldercare Foundation, the Scholar is a key element in a community of care dedicated to seniors.
With 75% of funding already secured, the transformative work for seniors’ care is already underway – you have a chance to join us in making lasting changes to seniors care now, and for the future.
Donate here today: cvhealthcarefoundation.com/donate-research/